Sometime at the end 2009 when I was earning some extra money selling cars I noticed that I had a surprising amount of people who asked if I would take their cars in part-exchange for the one I was selling. As I advertised in autotrader I tended to browse the magazine regularly to see what other cars, similar to mine were worth, in order to price mine competitively. I noticed, in doing this, that a high percentage of the adverts were labelled ‘p/x considered’ meaning they were willing to take another car in part exchange for the one they had advertised.
On contemplating this prospect further I deduced that this was a far more financially practical approach for some individuals. At the time of this chain of thought the country was deep in recession and many were short of cash, those who weren’t being reluctant to use their cash for an unpredictable and sometimes volatile investment such as a second hand car. Therefore it made perfect sense for those selling their own car to make a straight swap, also involving a difference in financial value for another car. This way they could keep any cash they had saved in the hands of the banks or a more stable investment such as bonds. Those who did not have the capital to buy another car whilst keeping their own would also find this imperative if changing their current car.
This lead me to the idea of creating my own website specifically for part exchange, as, on scouring the internet for sites already offering this service, I noticed there was no one lese doing it. However I thought ‘why limit this to cars?’ I decided to include a wide range of item categories including jewellery, toys and gadgets, tickets, memorabilia, home and leisure and many more.
The next decision to make was from a design perspective, how the site would look. I wanted to use primary colours as I was targeting a mass market and wanted to be inclusive to everyone. I played around with drawing a few logos and eventually came up with something that looked like this
The rest of the site was just a case of combining usability with design, using the colours already included in the logo.
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