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Monday, 8 November 2010

Researching Ideas for my Ident

As we are already a week into our second module, animation, I thought i better start researching my ident. The brief states that my ident must represent my blog, twitter and Facebook all rolled into one. I have both Facebook and twitter account for me personally and for my website so I guess I'm going to have to choose which one I want to represent through my ident.

After looking at some other examples of idents I think I could more accurately portray the motives of my website through the use of animation. I started by looking at music channel idents like MTV as I believe this to be closest to the kind of ident I envisage using.


These are all idents which I personally enjoy, however as I am creating an ident for my business it is essential for me to bear in mind the fact i need to create something which my audience will find enjoyable. The users on my site are predominantly male so my ident must be created with that in mind, however not exclusive to females either. The website does cater to all age groups, and this is reflected in the design of the logo, which uses mainly primary colours to reflect both the ambiguity of the target market and the quirky design nature I also incorporated in my site.

Clearly, I would intend to base my ident around the PartX logo. Despite doing this I don't want to copy the logo completely so i may change the design in terms of colour and perhaps font type so that it is more practical in an animated form.

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